Imaginerding Link Request

Check out our cool new logo! Oh yeah, and you have probably noticed the new site name as well. is, for now, a replica of our Disney Geeks blog page and will continue to be that way for a short time. Eventually we will begin to water and grow this tiny seed into a giant oak….or at least a web page with some other sections. This will be the home of all things Deekney (Disney Geeky), so welcome aboard Willie’s Steamboat and enjoy the ride. We are so very glad you came!

We are so thankful to everyone that has provided a link to us from their blog or website. It really means a lot to us. We would like to ask you to take a moment and see what the link is.

Is it If so, would you do us the incredible favor of changing it to

If you do this and forward it to ten friends, Walt Disney’s son will send you one thousand dollars!

Seriously, we would appreciate the link change and we will shower you with Disney Geek love.
Or at least let you experience a Disney Geek-style sandwich-hug at MouseFest.
Don’t forget to stop by our site and leave some Disney Geek love!

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