
There are plenty of ways to Contact ImagiNERDing

Trying to contact ImagiNERDing?

There are plenty of ways to get hold of me!

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George Taylor imaginerding disney

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Why contact ImagiNERDing?

Maybe you want to send a review copy of your latest book! Or you’ve run into some Disney trivia that you need help with. Or you’ve got some amazing, vintage photos of Walt Disney World that you need to share with the world!

Or you just might want to talk Disney nerdiness with someone.

Reviews: Disney and theme park books, blu-rays and other entertainment media

Have a Disney- or theme park-related book? Want to have it reviewed in front of  Disney fans and enthusiasts?

I’m happy to accept review copies of physical books. I also review software, films and other media as long as there is a Disney or theme park connection.

reviews Disney books
Just a few of the close to 1000 books (Disney, theme parks, etc) in my personal library!

About the Reviews:

I’ve been reviewing books, DVDs, blu-rays, video games and other media since the launch of ImagiNERDing in 2007. In 2012, I started writing and editing the weekly Disney Review column at Mice Chat. In 2015 all written reviews appeared exclusively here at ImagiNERDing. They also appear on Communicore Weekly in the George’s Book of the Week and 60-Second Review segments.

To check out examples of my reviews, click here or on the BOOK REVIEWS tab at the top of the page.

People all over the world rely on the various reviews I have published at Mice Chat, Communicore Weekly and ImagiNERDing. I retain a high level of integrity and will never trade a positive review for a free copy of a book or blu-ray.

Contact me through e-mail at to find out how to get review copies to me! Or, you can hit me up on various social media platforms through the links on this site.

5 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi George,
    I’m so glad I found you again. I was a happy listener to Communicore Weekly for several years.
    I live in Morganton, NC and also love Disney and Dollywood. I was disappointed by the lack of a podcast focusing on Dollywood and enjoyed your reviews of the attractions. Have you done more podcasts?

    I listened to Jeff’s show for a couple of seasons and was ……..well…….it is the most impressive show put on by a group of middle school kids I have ever heard. He really should have followed you lead on quality.

  2. Hi George!

    Welcome to Central Florida!

    I moved here in 2001 from Kansas City and enjoyed the dream of living near Disney. In fact I can see the MK fireworks from my driveway. I’ve been involved with several scavenger hunts and won them all, but I am a little different than most of the “lifestyle bloggers” in that my career is not in tourism/social media.

    I enjoy the Disney Parks, though not as much as when my daughters were still at home. I’m including my email if you have an interest in meeting up some time. I enjoy the rides of course but I really enjoy the little architectural touches that only does. When the WDC wants to, of course.

    PS per your last video. It doesn’t begin getting cool until the end of October. You do get used to it.

  3. Hi, George,
    I’ve followed your site for some time now and just started listen to your book reviews—especially “essential Disney books.” I am a former DInesy Imagineer (1985-92): created “Streetmosphere” (the word and the actual live “Citizens of Hollywood” concept & cast); headed the directing/development of all LIVE elements at Disney-MGM Studios; original concept & design team member for for Pleasure Island and Asst. Director (to Roger Cox) for Adventurers Club cast (I treated it as “indoor street theatre”); headed cocnept & design team for ‘Hollywood Horror Hotel’ (a.k.a. “Hotel Mel” w/ Mel Brooks) that became “Tower of Terror”; and when my boss, Marty Sklar asked me to think about a “new name for Walt Disney World Shopping Village” I came up with “DownTown Disney.” (Don’t even talk to me about the name “Disney Springs”). Meanwhile I’d like to send you a copy of my book “HATCH! Brainstporming Secrets of A Theme Park Desighner” based on my “7 Agreements of Brainstorming” that I taught through Disney University at WDI and later to Disney Execs & mid mangmt at DIsney Studios, Burbank. “HATCH!” is on several Amazon top 10 lists and will be releasing a this Summer based on my TED Talk, “Recapturing Your Creative Spirit” (NOT the title of the book version.) It has become my most-requested corporate keynotes and was created to address all the Disney corporate execs who enjoyed my brainstorming class, but then said, “But, personally, I’m not creative.” What they meant, i soon learned, was they weren’t ‘artistic.’ I needed to show them that creativity is a natural, “factory-installed” feature of ALL humans. Love to send you “HATCH!” Just need your mailing address there at the secret ImagiNERDING Bunker. If you choose to review it for your website that’d be great, AND … that’s your call. I’m certain you will enjoy “HATCH!” as it is chock-full of Disney (especially) Imagineering “behind the dreams” stories. keep up the good work. [BTW, my TED Talk is linked on my website,]

  4. Yes. Stayed at old Disney Golf Resort 1975-76. Still looking for pics? Obviously have little to do these days. Could look around.

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