Disney has releases a slew of movies to Blu-ray! Some are pretty exciting and some are…well…some are not very exciting.
- Disneynature: Chimpanzee – is pretty spectacular, heartwarming and charming. A full review is coming.
- Pocahontas is reason enough to buy this Blu-ray set. The movie is gorgeous, the songs are fantastic and it is a fun film. Pocohantas II was a terrible film that should never have been made. I can’t figure out why Disney included it. If nothing, it will only serve to hurt sales. Check out our review over at Mice Chat.
- TThe Rescuers (35th Anniversary Edition) / The Rescuers Down Under is a wonderful combo pack. It is quite amazing to see the difference in animation over the course of 13 years.
- The Aristocats – This film has always been a favorite of my boys. I enjoy the broad humor, but the real enjoyment comes from the fantastic songs penned by the Sherman Brothers.
- Lady and the Tramp 2: Scamps Adventure
– I can’t figure out how and why this film made it to Bu-ray. Granted, I haven’t watched it yet…
So, are you looking forward to any of these films?
Aristocats! Yay!