Another shot from 1985. This time, we are aboard the Skyway headed over the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea lagoon. 20K ran from October 14, 1971 to September 5, 1994. Currently, Pooh’s Playful Spot and a large grassy area reside on the lagoon area.

For more information, visit the 20K site at Widen Your World and Walt Dated World.
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Nice pictures! Although my family made several visits to the Magic Kingdom during the 1980s, I only rode 20k once. I was very little (probably around 4) and the organ music combined with Captain Nemo’s foreboding voice scared the crap out of me, so we never rode it again.
We made one last trip to the MK before the Eisner administration frakked things up, in 1992. I was in my early teens at that point, and I honestly don’t remember why we didn’t ride 20k. Perhaps the line was too long, or perhaps my teenage self thought the obviously fake sea creatures were lame. I’m really sorry I missed this one.
20K, I never knew ye…
Hi it’s Alison from the Walt Dated World website. Thank you for including a link to my 20,000 Leagues page. My site now has a new address of If you could correct the link in your post to I’d appreciate it. Thanks!