If you get The Disney Insider e-mail, you will notice that each issue has an Ask Dave column. I have written about Dave Smith before. He holds one of my dream jobs.
The question in the August 26, 2008 issue has the following question:
I was wondering if you could recommend any books that tell the history of building the Disney Parks. What went in first? What were the surprising issues that came up? – Dana, 29, Kennesaw, GA
Dave’s Answer
Probably the most useful books for Disneyland history are Randy Bright’s “Disneyland: Inside Story” and David Mumford and Bruce Gordon’s “Disneyland: The Nickel Tour
.” Jeff Kurtti wrote “Since the World Began
” about Walt Disney World. There are also books on the architecture of the Disney Parks, such as Beth Dunlop’s “Building a Dream
The first three books mentioned are in my top 5.
You can read my reviews of Disneyland: Inside Story and Disneyland: The Nickel Tour.
Lou Mongello and I discuss five books that every Disney Geek should own on the WDW Radio Show. Since the World Began is one of books discussed.
Another title that will be of interest to fans of Walt Disney World is Realityland by David Koenig. It is one of the few books to cover the early years and construction of Walt Disney World.
I second your comment about “Realityland”! His other books are great too. I just finished “Mouse Tales: A Behind the Ears Look at Disneyland” and am now reading “Mouse Under Glass: Secrets of Disney Animation & Theme Parks.”
Now that I looked him up on Google Books, apparently I also need to read “More Mouse Tales: A Closer Peek Backstage at Disneyland.”
I thought of you, and your Radio Show segment, the minute I read my Insider!
Your site is awesome. Your reviews are much appreciated. Since I first discovered your site a few weeks back, I have read #2 and #5 on your top 5 list. I am now addicted to your Geek-End Updates and have a host of other Disney blogs I now have on my Feed list. I wish I could figure out a way to get paid for reading Disney trivia (LOL… I am sure I am one of millions.) Anyway, thanks!