There hasn’t been a flurry of Book Updates in awhile because I haven’t wanted to inundate you with so many posts (especially with all of the great Geek Links). I have about 15 books my wife got me over the past two weeks, so some updating is in order!
The Disney Way appeared in 2002 with a slew of other Disney-management style titles. Eisner was at the top of his game in the mid to late 1990’s and everyone was trying to cash in. This edition is the 2007 updated version. In addition to Disney, the book also covers the Men’s Wearhouse, The Cheesecake Factory, Griffin Hospital and others.
I haven’t read this edition, but I do remember reading the 2002 version. It was an enjoyable read and a lot of the principles outlined would benefit most businesses. You could even apply the Dream, Believe, Dare, Do philosophy to your personal life.